HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! January 2014 Newsletter
It's a new year, don't hesitate to join the growing CREATE Community. Sign up to receive our newsletter here.
Let it Grow
with Jan Northey
Friday, Jan. 3rd from 6pm-9pm

Celebrate the arts with us Friday evening as we kick off January's artist exhibit. Jan has been a friend of CREATE from the beginning. Let's fill the space with art lovers.
Message from artist: My thing is art, my love is nature. Come join the artsy fartsy fun of my second art show opening. Wine, food, and more food.
Message from artist: My thing is art, my love is nature. Come join the artsy fartsy fun of my second art show opening. Wine, food, and more food.
Our Volunteers are the best!!!

You may have noticed that the cafe has been open more often. We owe this to our gracious volunteers. Typically, we open 3pm-5pm with the help of high school students and 6pm-8pm compliments of our board along with a handful of community members. If you'd like to explore our hours weekly, you can find them on line or look for the printed copy posted at the cafe.
Western PA CARES for Kids Project

We've decided to kick off the New Year by hosting a fundraiser to support a local organization providing a vital service to Jefferson and surrounding counties. Starting Monday, January 6th, stop in the cafe and donate any amount over $1, sign your name to a children caricature and we will proudly display these playful children in our front window for the month.
A Child Advocacy Center is where children who have said they were either physically or sexually abused or children who were witnesses to violent crime, come and are interviewed once by a trained forensic interviewer with nationally accredited training, while the investigative team ( law enforcement, prosecution, child protection, mental health personnel, medical personnel, victim/witness advocates, probation officers etc.) watch the interview on a monitor eliminating the need for each member of the team to do a separate interview with the child. This helps to lessen the trauma a child experiences by eliminating the repetitive interviews so that the child isn’t reliving the experience over and over again. The investigative team works together making team decisions about the investigation, treatment, management, and prosecution of child abuse cases. The facility is designed to be child friendly to help the child feel more at ease. Referrals for interviews are made through either the police or child protective services.
A Child Advocacy Center is where children who have said they were either physically or sexually abused or children who were witnesses to violent crime, come and are interviewed once by a trained forensic interviewer with nationally accredited training, while the investigative team ( law enforcement, prosecution, child protection, mental health personnel, medical personnel, victim/witness advocates, probation officers etc.) watch the interview on a monitor eliminating the need for each member of the team to do a separate interview with the child. This helps to lessen the trauma a child experiences by eliminating the repetitive interviews so that the child isn’t reliving the experience over and over again. The investigative team works together making team decisions about the investigation, treatment, management, and prosecution of child abuse cases. The facility is designed to be child friendly to help the child feel more at ease. Referrals for interviews are made through either the police or child protective services.
Jefferson County Recycling Program Awareness

We have teamed up with the Jefferson County Recycling Program to help spread awareness. We realize the importance of such a program and are taking a few steps to encourage community members to become educated and get involved.
- Please take a moment to check out the on line presence to find the site closest to you, understand the basics, take a survey and consider a small donation.
Join us Saturday, January 11 @ 10am for a short workshop on the local recycling scene. Great time to start taking advantage of the program.
After School Tutoring Program
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3pm-5pm

Can your children use a little extra help with their school work? Thanks to a handful of thoughtful volunteers, we are offering the cafe as an after school learning center to help shape the young minds within our community.
Would you like to help? Let us know.
Would you like to help? Let us know.
The Breakfast Club
2nd & 4th Saturdays of each month, 10:30am

Starting January 11th, the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month are dedicated to teens/tweens that love books and breakfast. That's right, we'll discover great reads and snack on some delicious breakfast foods. We highly recommend trying to attend from the start to help mold this club.
Lock In for Teens
Saturday, January 18

An evening of snacks, movies, games, crafts and fun for teens/tweens. The start time has yet to be announced, but we will have them locked in the cafe for the evening with a handful of responsible adults/parents. Please contact us at 814-849-9979 with any questions.
Meal Prep with MOPS is back
Thursday, January 16 @ 7pm

Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers are back, looking to help with meal prep for the busy parents.
IMPORTANT: Sign up and drop off your money ($25.) at CREATE by January 13 by 1pm. January's menu includes Portuguese Kale Soup and Green Chili Chicken and Rice. Please bring one freezer safe container (for the chicken dinner) and 2 gallon size zip lock bags to take home your soup. B.Y.O.B. Message CREATE if you have any questions.
IMPORTANT: Sign up and drop off your money ($25.) at CREATE by January 13 by 1pm. January's menu includes Portuguese Kale Soup and Green Chili Chicken and Rice. Please bring one freezer safe container (for the chicken dinner) and 2 gallon size zip lock bags to take home your soup. B.Y.O.B. Message CREATE if you have any questions.
Vino Vixens
Thursday, January 30th @ 7pm

This one is for all of you wine lovers looking to get away for an evening. This group will gather the last Thursday of each month. The evening will persist of a tasting session from a different winery each month, hors d'oeuvres, and entertainment provided by Open Mic.
There will be a fee of which has yet to be determined. Stay tuned for details.
There will be a fee of which has yet to be determined. Stay tuned for details.
Lifestyle of Savings is back
Every Monday @ 7pm

A gathering/class on shopping tips, couponing, budgeting and lifestyle changes to save money. We will cover topics such as kinds of coupons, where to coupon, why you want to use coupons, and simple changes in your week /day that will save you money. Please come with any additional ideas to share, tips to save, budget ideas, "brag" receipts, shopping nightmares, etc. This is a great way to spend some time with friends figuring out how to save money! Pleases join our group at any time. If you have not attended a class before, no problem! one of us will be very excited to bring you up to speed. We are asking for donations of any amount to cover the costs of copies, electric, prizes, ect. See you on Mondays!
Story Time Science is back

9:30am-10am is geared towards pre-Kindergarten age children
10am-11am for Kindergarten ages and older
Discover a story and the science behind them.
Please register your child by e-mailing [email protected], seats are limited
10am-11am for Kindergarten ages and older
Discover a story and the science behind them.
Please register your child by e-mailing [email protected], seats are limited
CREATE's Certified Kitchen Project

Our kitchen project is under way. Once complete, we will have the opportunity to offer a certified, fully operational kitchen for use in cooking classes, canning, home-brewing, wine-making, etc... along with an opportunity for up-coming chefs to practice their skills. Interested in helping us make this happen? Please consider doing so by donating an Ace or Lowe's gift card or by donating funds to CREATE using this link. Thanks.
Events/Activities to watch for in February:
Upcoming Music:
Drum Circle
Thursday, Jan. 2, 7pm-8pm
Fiddler's Jam
Thursday, Jan. 16, 6:30pm-8pm
Open Mic Night
Thursday, Jan. 30, 6:30pm-8pm
What else is happening this month?

We guarantee there is something of interest coming up soon for everyone!
Click the calendar for all CREATE Activities.
Monthly Activities:
Lifestyle of Savings
Every Monday, 7pm-8:30pm
Book Club
1st Tuesday of each month
Drum Circle
1st Thursday of each month, 7pm-8pm
Pre-K Art with Mandi, sponsored by Amazing Kids
First Friday of each month, 10am-11am
Stitch 'N Bitch
Second Monday of each month, 6:30pm-8pm
Pre-K Sing-A-Long with Jody, sponsored by Amazing Kids
Second Friday of each month, 10am-11am
Story Time Science
Second Saturday of each month, 9:30am-11am
Scrabble Night
Third Tuesday of each month, 6pm-9pm
Pre-K Crafts with Amazing Kids
Third Friday of each month, 10am-11am
Fiddler's Jam
Third Thursday of each month, 6:30pm-8pm
Create Community Meeting
Fourth Tuesday of each month, 7pm
Open Mic
Last Thursday of each month, 6:30pm-8pm
Pre-K Sensory Play with Caitie, sponsored by Amazing Kids
Fourth Friday of each month, 10am-11am
Check out previous newsletters: December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013