Highly overcaffeinated and possibly overdosing on sugar from acquiring a DumDum habit, I am too excited to breathe about the new developments discussed at our PR meeting tonight. CREATE's keepin' it real. Keepin' it hip, fellas. Hold onto your RayBan's we're about to blind you with creative light.
The fruition of everything you see in a collection of people and wonder "what could they do if they put their heads together?" is an incredible thing to watch. We, as a group of friends turned organization, have been together for just a month now. In that amazing month we have gone from an idea to an experience. We have attempted things in this past month that a year ago would've been merely another "million dollar idea" gone undeveloped {sidebar: million dollar ideas are not our forte'....hence the non-profit, but we'll gladly listen to yours}. We have become doers and not talkers. And that, my friends, is what separates the men from the boys.
The fruition of everything you see in a collection of people and wonder "what could they do if they put their heads together?" is an incredible thing to watch. We, as a group of friends turned organization, have been together for just a month now. In that amazing month we have gone from an idea to an experience. We have attempted things in this past month that a year ago would've been merely another "million dollar idea" gone undeveloped {sidebar: million dollar ideas are not our forte'....hence the non-profit, but we'll gladly listen to yours}. We have become doers and not talkers. And that, my friends, is what separates the men from the boys.